Fatigue and Insomnia Cure Feeling Extreme Tiredness and Exhaustion

09/05/2013 10:35

Fatigue. Worst enemy and the best acquaintance of training. Fatigue and insomnia is our incentive to tackle. We know fatigue as a factor arising from work or disease. But there is one more fatigue, hormonal. Is known as adrenal fatigue.

It is the result of a problem with the adrenal glands, usually caused by a shock. The sport can be triggered by hormonal therapy or steroid preparations. In this case, the gland gets used for its operations there substitutes and permanently reduces the production of hormones.

Possible changes after surgery or certain medical and natural insomnia treatments, although drugs rather affect the kidney and kidney and adrenal gland is not directly related. The problem is that due to various factors, the reduced production of the hormone is difficult to reverse the process.

Fatigue and hormones - what's the connection?
Adrenaline is the hormone that "responsible" for carbohydrate metabolism (including insulin and glucagon) and nerve impulses, i.e. it directly affects the activation energy and the nervous muscles.

As already mentioned, it is in direct contact with key metabolic hormones such as insulin. Therefore it is not surprising that its absence leads to a “fatigue ". Moreover, the decline is characteristic sign of aging - older people have gradually reduced the adrenaline level.

The problem is that this fatigue and insomnia affects mental and physiological level permanently, here we are talking about the body's reduced capacity for work capacity and fatigue threshold, i.e. the problem is much more serious than exhaustion due to work - since the latter is possible to recharge.

There are other factors that can trigger insomnia and fatigue. For example, in the body there are some major hormonal axes that are directly and indirectly combinative effect. Most common on these axes are the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, having axis and adrenal and thyroid. If this axis is influenced thyroid may develop symptoms such as uncontrolled sweating, heart problems, etc., that is a second kind of "fatigue."

When associated with adrenal cortisol is not big enough for production, appears another factor of fatigue: a homeostatic hormone cortisol and helps water binding. Its reduction leads to a direct impact on blood volume and cellular respiration and nutrition. Then we come to the state of relative adrenal insufficiency.

What are the symptoms of extreme tiredness and exhaustion?
Of course, we consider the "final stages" of the process. In many cases, deviations are light, manageable and simple to develop any of the following symptoms:
    Joint pain;
    Decreased libido;
    Retention of water;
    Sleepiness and sleep deprivation;
    Constant need for food with a strong pungent taste - saltiness, sweetness, etc.;
    Upload fat;
    Nervousness, tension, constant stress;
    Instability to disease;
    Allergic and asthmatic manifestations in susceptible;
    Irregular menstruation;
    Caffeine addiction, addiction (compensatory mechanism);

The direct cause of this fatigue is often uncontrolled stress. Stress must be managed.

In any case, adrenal fatigue can be easily confused with other diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or general fatigue at all.

Feel any symptoms ... What now?
If you experience these symptoms, there is a set of common measures that you can take before you start seriously worrying and in most cases they will have an effect:
    Long enough sleep, possibly two or three nights in a row.
    Follow the diet and drink plenty of water.
    Take Vitamin C, preferably from natural sources - citrus, tomatoes, peppers, and others. It is better to take B5 (corn) and minerals - iron (green leafy vegetables / salads).
    Take natural vegetable juices.
   Use Shankhpushpi herb beneficial in aging cure, reduces mental stress and tension.
    Try to find out who is the cause of stress. If we can not, talk to a third person or a psychologist. Take measures to eliminate the stressful situation, or at least ones that give you the feeling that a meaningful fight. Stress causes must be eliminated or reduced, otherwise the treatment is palliative.
    Try to enforce peace, a sense of stability and a sense of coping or their transience. Mental attitude is key to dealing with stress, as trite as it sounds.

If a long time none of that works, try to search for qualified medical help. The situation is hardly tragic, but such deviations can be as chronic adrenal problem and hidden diseases which this type of fatigue is the only symptom.

And most of all, try to motivate yourself in life and live happily, do not get dooms is a prisoner of stress!