
Sexual Identity

14/12/2011 17:46

The sexual identity is self-consciousness of belonging to one sex or another, i.e., male or female.

Up to twentieth century the sex of a person used to be assigned only by the appearance of their genitals. In most cases, men are born with male genitalia and XY chromosomes while women have female genitalia and two X chromosomes However, there are people who do not qualify for these factors, as have combination of chromosomes, hormones and genitals that do not follow the typical definitions that have been associated with men and women.

The formation of the sexual identity is a complex process that begins at conception, but which become key during gestation and even life experiences after birth. There are many factors and many combination's thereof. For this reason, many conflicts arise in people born with intersex traits.

Many people born with combination of features of both sexes, face complications when society ridicules their physical and insists that an individual assigned to a sex which is not identified (Transsexuals).

On the other hand, often try to differentiate sexual identity of the sexual orientation, in which individuals may be heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual men. Just as sexual orientation, sexual identity can not choose.

There are probably many ways of understanding sexual identity and the gender as human beings exist, but companies tend to fall into compartments immobile individuals and assign roles sometimes very small, it is for this reason that many conflicts arise psychological and social in people that can not appear as sexual identity with which they identify / ace.

More on male sex product and remedies to treats low sexual drive problem. And more info about how to build sexual stamina

What is a Calorie, Obesity and Overweigh Problem

13/12/2011 16:15

A recent study made clear that a man who is obese is 12 times more likely to die from circulatory problems that other overweight, and then what is the difference between a concept and another? Knowing this may mean health benefits.

It is well known that the achievement of all bodily functions (digestion, growth or maintenance of body temperature), or the development of any physical and intellectual activity, it requires energy, which is provided through the food. So when it becomes excessive in calories (the concept will be explained later), the body stores it as fat, giving rise to excess body weight, i.e., overweight or obese.

It is important to emphasize that the normal weight for each individual is directly related to age, sex, height, physical activity and skeletal development, the latter being derived from so-called slim build, medium and coarse you can calculate your BMI.

What is a calorie?
Before continuing it is worth mentioning that a calorie is a nutrient's ability to produce heat, i.e., a unit of energy, which is generated when we eat, is metabolized (is optimally used by cells throughout the body). This example may be instructive: we say that an apple has 35 calories, because being metabolized by our body produced 35 units of heat / energy (usually expressed in terms of kilo-calories).

Thus, each generates different nutrient calories, such as proteins and carbohydrates produce 4 kcal per gram ingested, while fats produce 9 calories per gram. It is important to reiterate that the calories into the body and are transformed into energy, but not involved in this process are not removed, but stored in the body as fat (the resource to get rid of calories burned, through exercise). Accumulated in 7000 calories translates into 1 kilo of fat in our body, distributed according to sex, as follows:
* Man. In back of the neck, shoulders, back, face, upper half of the trunk and abdominal region, as we age, around the belly.
* Woman. In stomach, hips, thighs, and breast region with aging on chin, neck and buttocks.
* Children. It is situated on pubis, hips, arms, cheeks, back of hands and feet.

Now it’s important to live healthy life………. How to lose weight and burn body fat for healthy living. Because In the past 20 years, both obesity and overweight have increased over 30%, as reported by the World Health Organization. This becomes more important to know that it relates to approximately 200 000 deaths per year, so we encourage you to reflect about and maintain your ideal weight for your health so be safe.

Water How important It Is

10/12/2011 16:58

Although not usually consider water as an essential part of the diet, it is actually the most important: you can live without food for weeks, even months, but we can die within a few days if you do not eat the vital fluid that makes up more than two-thirds of our body.

Not only huge road runs through valleys and mountains, through the air, and across the ocean, similarly, the water works and travels throughout our body to meet all kinds of functions: it is an excellent solvent for many elements, what is involved in various chemical reactions in the body and used for transport of various substances: oxygen, nutrients, hormones, enzymes, carbon dioxide and other waste products.

In addition, this fluid acts as a "cushion" and protects important organs of the body, acts as a lubricant in the joints, maintains moist eyes through blinking and is a constituent of the skin, which remains soft prevent drying and cracking. What's more, it also serves to maintain normal body temperature is of great importance for the brain to function properly and contribute to the proper working of the lungs. It is also necessary to take food and form 90% of blood plasma.

Our body loses water daily in various ways, always obeying different functions:
* By removing the urine (1 400 ml)
* Through the skin when we sweat (400 milliliters).
* When we breathe and speak (350 milliliters).
* By expelling feces (120 milliliters)

These figures may change according to each individual, play activities and climate where they are located, the fact is we need about 6 to 8 glasses of water a day (2 liters) to replace fluid loss; is not necessary to drink a larger amount, as also obtained from the foods we eat, such as soup, fruit, milk and meat.

Drink water with little fluid
We know if we observe enough water your urine, because if it passes a lot and is light in color, then we can say that they drink enough water, whereas when it is ejected small quantities, dark or intense odor, the amount of liquid you drink is inadequate.

An early sign of lack of water is irritable character or mood changes; this because the approximately 40 billion brain cells are made of 70% of the vital fluid, and to begin to miss you lose the ability to think clearly and functionally, sometimes, depression and irritability problem may be due to this cause.

In addition, consumption of this element is important for therapy following a sick person, because drinking water stimulates the proper functioning and strengthen immune system, facilitates excretion of toxic substances and allows cells to mucosal defense and is in good condition. It also helps fight fever and acceleration of metabolism that occur in most conditions.

Water prevents alterations in our body because it helps prevent bladder and liver infections, during perspiration leads to the outside waste substances that are harmful to our body and helps control weight, it calms the feeling of hunger, and helps regulate normal functioning of the liver (organ involved in the processing of fat), make more urine and remove excess salt.

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High Cholesterol, Cause Serious Risk to our Health

09/12/2011 12:43

All about high cholesterol
What is cholesterol and what it means to have high cholesterol? What is the LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol? Are there any diets to lower cholesterol problem?

Know what cholesterol is and what you can do to reduce it.

The cholesterol is a chemical generated internally by the liver, and that in itself is necessary for the proper functioning of certain hormones, the digestive system and body structures.

There are two kinds of cholesterol or lipoproteins that make up its structure. The popularly known as "bad cholesterol” (LDL) and "good” (HDL).

On these we know that LDL cholesterol is deposited in arteries, thus increasing the different coronary risk, while HDL removes cholesterol from arteries.

What does having high cholesterol?
The total fat intake should not represent a day beyond 30% of total calories consumed, but of these, only 10% may be represented by saturated fats.

According to Heart Foundation Are diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) levels when total cholesterol exceeds 200 mg / dl, Or when the levels of LDL is above 130 mg / dl, or of HDL below 35 mg / dl, in men and 40 mg / dl in women.

Having high cholesterol, and lower it to remedy, it means that we risk this important cause serious health problems, such as cardiovascular disease or atherosclerosis.

We must also consider that those who are smokers with high blood pressure, both problems diabetes as obesity, enhance the ability of bad cholesterol harmful.

What foods are highly dangerous?
There are a number of foods that, by itself, are particularly harmful to our body, which cause increased levels of blood cholesterol.

Principles are:
* Those rich in saturated fats, which come from red meat, oils and coconut palm, viscera, and cocoa butter.
* Commercial baked goods.
* Processed foods
* Whole-milk dairy products.

How to lower high cholesterol
*Opt in particular foods low in saturated fat or cholesterol.
*Avoid fried foods. Instead, opt for the olive oil or vegetable oils such as soybean, sunflower or corn.
* Add to your diet foods rich in fiber, which will help to lower high cholesterol. Among these, we highlight the cereals and grains, oats, rice, vegetables and fruits, Legumes and vegetables.
*Use skim milk (instead of whole).
*Limit consumption of 3 or 4 eggs per week.

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Diagnosis of Premature Ejaculation

22/10/2011 16:26

The diagnosis of premature ejaculation is based almost entirely on detailed data on the patient's sexual activity because it is very difficult to find the cause organic problems.

It is necessary to determine if the disorder is primary, i.e., starting with sexual practices, or secondary, if appeared after a normal sexual life, in response to specific external factors such as a break or conflicts between partners, medication, and so on.

To diagnose premature ejaculation, take the following parameters:
• Sexual Knowledge.
• Sexual experience.
• Duration.
• Exacerbation.
• Referral.
• Pretreatment.
• Quality and duration of erections.
• Level of control.
• Level of stress or anxiety.
• Personal satisfaction and partner.
• Frequency of intercourse.
• Libido.
• Interest in the couple.
• Types of contraceptives.
• History of prostatitis.

Based on data from the clinical history and physical examination should proceed to the appropriate laboratory studies, such as urinalysis, sex hormones and sperm quality.

Note that according to studies in people with premature ejaculation, condom use and circumcision not seem to affect ejaculatory latency time.

More Important How to delay ejaculation to get rid of premature ejaculation, Is build sexual stamina. Get more on how to Increase Penis Size to get more sustained erection. See More at

Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease, Secret to Loose Weight

22/10/2011 16:19

Losing weight is not a thing of another world, it all comes down to how to feed yourself and if you exercise or not. Here are some secrets to lose weight and look beautiful all year round.

Secrets to lose weight easily:
• Eat well balanced and three times a day.
• Chew food slowly.
• Avoid white bread flour and white sugar.
• Drink plenty of water (2 liters minimum).
• Exercise moderately, for a great fit, stay fit and be healthy.
• Never eat fruit after the meal.
• Drink fruit juice half an hour before breakfast and lunch (especially pineapple, orange, grapefruit ...).
• If you feel hungry between meals, such as fruit and see as time gets used to the flavors (fruit should be natural without cream or yogurt, or whipped cream).
• Know the nutritional qualities of what you eat.
• Do not wear loose clothing so because the impression will not need many of these recommendations. Also remember that clothing is a great ally to improve our appearance.
• This, together with psychological and emotional aspects are very important.

Obesity and cardiovascular disease
People with obesity or overweight are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. This is because:
cardiovascular • The higher the weight, the greater the effort you have to do the heart, and it is common in obese hypertension, lipid disorders (related to fat levels in the blood) and intolerance glucose, when type 2 diabetes.
• In addition, obesity and physical inactivity power, in most cases, is related to inadequate nutrition habits and lifestyle.

How to prevent cardiovascular disease?
1. Eating a balanced diet.
2. Exercising (conceived not only as three times a week to go to the gym, but as taking active lifestyle, spending less time watching television and computer, using the car less ...).

Worth a try, since it has documented a marked reduction in cardiovascular risk by maintaining ideal body weight.

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Hormonal Effects on Sex Life

20/10/2011 15:06

The condition of your sexual health is the surest sign of your overall wellness. If you go on a bumpy ride you'll get tense with frustration and despair, so that the signs will be reflected in the way you look and act.

Male Hormones
Hormones play a role in the allocation of gender-specific traits and critical transitions in the different phases of the life cycle. Male hormones or androgens attributed male characteristics, while the female hormones, like estrogens and progestins are responsible for the development of feminine qualities.

The characteristics of testosterone are an important quality in the group of androgens. The level of testosterone in your body depends on your age. Younger men tend to have higher testosterone levels than older men. Once they're in your thirties, testosterone levels begin to decline by 1%.

By the time they are in the seventies, testosterone levels can drop to 50% of its total capacity. Symptoms of low testosterone may include:
* Changes in sleep patterns,
* Decreased libido,
* Erection difficulties,
* Hair loss
* Weight gain,
* And reduced energy levels in general.
* And do not be surprised if you're having trouble remembering things. This is caused by the change in hormonal balance.

Both men and women often complain of not having orgasms spontaneous. The G-spot debate figures prominently in this context. Is believed to be the most sensitive area of the vagina, responsible for causing orgasms in women.

But some experts believe it is more a mental association and has no anatomical existence. Orgasm also helps to relieve certain physical pain can be caused by migraines or several.

More Important How to delay ejaculation to get rid of premature ejaculation, Is build sexual stamina. Get more on how to Increase Penis Size to get more sustained erection. See More at

How to Set a Goal to Lose Weight

20/10/2011 15:03

What should consider to weight loss? The goal to lose weight should not be fanciful but realistic, put your feet on the ground and not dream of a weight that you can not reach.

When you want to start a weight loss treatment and establishes at what weight you want to go, the first thing to think about is:
A. If you are going to be possible to reach the weight you want.
B. If the weight you choose will benefit your health or will harm you.
C. If you manage the weight you want you will be able to maintain long term.

Whatever goal you choose, should be achieved in a slow, steady and permanent.

What should I think when I start a weight loss treatment is what we must consider that the result is satisfactory. Here are some tips to lose weight.

Weight Loss Self help
To be considered for weight loss:
• Be sure to want to do.
• Be aware that obesity is an illness and seek help from qualified doctors.
• Follow exactly the instructions of your doctor.
• Be aware that overweight and obesity are not only an aesthetic problem but mainly health.
• Get to the idea that the decision to lose weight is not temporary but permanent.
• Be willing to change your attitude, change your eating habits and exercise regimen to stay fit forever.
• Be aware that losing weight is for health, welfare, by their appearance, comfort and live longer in better quality of life.
• It is a personal decision that only you should know

Remember that losing weight quickly is not healthy, then keep in mind that if it took decades to reach the overweight or obese have today, why not take a reasonable time to get down to a realistic weight to improve your health.

You also get fat burner remedies and natural slimming product to loose weight fast at

Lose Weight in Healthy and Natural Way

14/03/2011 19:09

However, there are certain tricks that can be homemade used to lose weight in a healthy, natural way and detailed below:
• Develop a list of reasons that have to lower weight and maintain that list in a visible place in the kitchen preferably near the fridge.
• Chewing food thoroughly and take the time to enjoying.
• Learn more about the virtues of nutrients and body's needs, so you can judge the eating habits and change.
• Avoid weighing yourself every day to know how much it has thinned. It is more convenient weighed once a week and always in the morning.
• Do not skip any meal especially breakfast, as note the body and then collects reserves. Even the person may have more hunger and overeating.
• Each meal minimum three must have food groups food provided following the proportion of the dish. That is, the agency must receive necessary dose of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fat.
• Prefer steaming techniques, roasted grilled and baked.
• Avoid foods that have cream sauces, butter or oil in excess.
• Search options of fresh fruit for dessert.
• Choose a daily basis without added fat vegetable side dishes or low quantity and fresh salads.
• Follow a balanced diet low in saturated fat and saturated trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, salt and alcohol.
• Balance caloric intake with exercise.
• Prefer whole grains rather than refined.
• Include dairy free or low-fat.
• Stay away from added sugars.
• Avoid adding salt in food preparation.

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12/03/2011 07:16

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