
Esophagitis Heartburn and Reflux, Result of Poor Eating Habits

06/06/2012 15:05

Although inflammation of the esophagus may occur due to infection, is more likely to occur for heartburn and reflux. If left untreated can cause considerable discomfort, difficulty swallowing, malnutrition, dehydration and formation of scar tissue.

Burning sensation behind the breastbone and pain that comes on the chest and may spread to neck and throat, are the main symptoms experienced by people with oesophagitis, who look like hell when meals and bedtime.

"Such discomfort usually occur during food intake or when you lie, moreover, the heat gets to be accompanied by regurgitation of stomach contents into the mouth (GERD) or excessive salivation" and stresses that sometimes this condition can be difficult to distinguish from chest pain caused by heart disease (angina, caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart).

The esophagus is the muscular tube with thin walls, lined internally with mucous membrane that connects the throat to the stomach. The food is low due to the force of gravity, but due to a rhythmic wave of muscular contraction and relaxation, called peristalsis.

"Near the junction of the throat to the esophagus is a muscular band called the upper esophageal sphincter? Slightly above the esophagus to the stomach is another band of muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter".

When the esophagus is at rest, these sphincters contract so that food and stomach acid flow back into the mouth not. During swallowing, these structures are relaxed to allow food to pass into the stomach.

It is important to note that the stomach lining protects you from the effects of their own acids. Because the esophagus lacks this structure, the gastric acid flows back to it causes pain, swelling, and various injuries.

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Acid coming up...
Reflux esophagitis is caused by regurgitation of gastric juice substance called pepsin, which hurts the lining of the esophagus, with frequent production of erosive lesions and ulcers. This condition is characterized by diffuse inflammation of the esophagus that may occur with gastric or duodenal ulcer or hiatal hernia (when a portion of the stomach protrudes into the chest through a hole that is located in the diaphragm).

The acid flows back when the lower esophageal sphincter does not function properly, so when lying down, the force of gravity contributes to reflux.

The degree of inflammation caused by reflux depends on the acidity of the stomach content, volume of gastric acid entering the esophagus and its capacity to remove regurgitated fluid.

The pain may be perceived as burning or tightness, which typically occurs when you swallow food or liquids. A typical symptom of muscular disorders of the esophagus is severe pain accompanying oppressive difficult swallowing hot or cold beverage.

Pain during swallowing may result from any of the following problems:
* Destruction of the esophageal lining (mucosa), as a result of inflammation caused by acid reflux from the stomach.
* Throat infections by bacteria, viruses or fungi.
* Tumors, chemicals or muscle disorders such as achalasia (a rare disease of the esophagus that is characterized by abnormal enlargement of it) and diffuse esophageal spasm (disorder peristalsis).

Early detection
Every person with gastro-esophageal reflux and, therefore, esophagitis, should not take lightly the condition, "and that complications of acid upstream of a segment include narrowing of the esophagus (a condition known as esophageal peptic stricture), esophageal ulcer and induction of precancerous changes in the lining of the esophagus".

Moreover, inflammation of the esophagus can make swallowing painful or bleeding is usually light, but also can be massive. It is therefore essential that the medical gastroenterologist recommended establishing the diagnosis and treatment early, thus avoiding more serious problems.

Custom solution
To relieve reflux can take several steps, for example, an elevation of the head of the bed (about 15 centimeters) during sleep, you can return the acid into the esophagus. It is also useful to avoid the use of irritants: coffee, alcohol, spicy, fat, chocolate, snuff and condiments.

Remember that if the reflux is disrupting your life, you need to go to a gastroenterologist, a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment which will prevent undesirable complications.

Read more on natural remedies for heartburn reflux and how to relieve constipation. And more about Colon Cleanser Remedies.

Trichotillomania Impulse Control Disorder, Victim of Anxiety

06/06/2012 14:41

An estimated 4% of people, mostly children, they pull out their hair when they feel anxiety, and that generates them and aesthetic problems of adaptation that can lead to social isolation. This behavior is reversible, although the treatment can be difficult.

Trichotillomania is a disorder that involves hair pulling on a recurring basis, secretly and without control, which can go unnoticed for a long time and do believe both family physicians and hair loss due to fungal infection (ringworm) or other skin problem appeared spontaneously (alopecia areata). However, its origin lies in states of anxiety and stress, as well as genetic factors (inherited from parents) to intensify the stress.

This peculiar disorder that most often affects children from 3 to 7 years under pressure from parents and teachers, but also usually affect adult women suffering from stress states caused by hormonal changes, characterized in that the patients follow a process that specialists call " ritualistic "and that is to experience a state of increased anxiety, which achieves the same relief and gratification by playing with the hair, pull them and then manipulate those who have been ripped off, either by making balls, throwing them into the air, leading to the mouth and even chewing or eating some (trichophagia). Large numbers of people with this problem tend to repeat their behavior just before sleeping or watching television, reading and writing without conscious control of their actions.

Although trichotillomania is a developmental disorder, that is, occurs mainly in children and tends to disappear as the person grows, experts warn that if left unchecked can become a lasting disease that not only generates personal aesthetic problems, but also for those suffering from isolation and, in more severe cases, when making custom hair intake can lead to digestive problems if a plug is formed in the small intestine that obstructs the passage of food.

Symptoms and Causes
Psychologists and psychiatrists agree that emotional stress and anxiety make patients feel "trapped" by uncomfortable thoughts and emotions they can not control, and as a result are forced to repeat certain behaviors that relieve internal pressure.

In this regard, it was observed that trichotillomania is favored by personality characteristics and the environment:
* Temperamental behavior. Children and people with difficulty regulating their behavior, especially from families where other team members have an explosive personality and little control over emotions, are more likely to resort to all kinds of strategies in an attempt to manage their anxiety.
* Pressure. When the environment or people who surround the patient (parents, teachers, family, bosses) are demanding and authoritarian, it is common to trigger states of constant stress to be let off steam somehow. It also becomes common situations of violence or family breakdown generate anxiety in children, mainly.
* Genetic factors. In 10% of the cases observed the presence of obsessive-compulsive disorder, inherited psychiatric problem that causes patients to experience high internal pressure that leads them to irrational acts.

Older people with greater awareness of the importance of proper image, categorically deny the problem and try to hide it in different ways, either with the help of a stylist or wig, or pulling the hair less visible areas such as forearms , hands, eyebrows, legs, eyelashes, armpits and pubis, so as not to be discovered or brought to trial.

Detection of trichotillomania is often difficult because the patient refuses need help and are often relatives or people close who are responsible for reporting the problem to a specialist. It is even common for hair loss or alopecia represents a mystery to the affected loved ones, who think they may be due to fungal infections and hormonal problems.

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Other measures frequently provided as a supplement for treatment are:
* Ensure that the patients always keep hair clean and bright, as the tendency to start it is greater when presented looked dirty and unkempt. The use of fortifying shampoo can be very convenient.
* Practicing a discipline that promotes relaxation, like yoga or biofeedback, because it significantly improves the management of emotions.
* Regularly subjected to any sport, as it helps to spend energy and eliminate stress.
* Improve communication at home and strengthen the bond, as a harmonic mean favors recovery and avoid relapse.

Finally, we recall that many people with trichotillomania hide their problem and pretend that they are unaffected, so it is important that they are the relatives who take the initiative to seek medical advice when observing a child or family suffers unexplained hair loss acquires personal appearance and makes careless mishandling of emotions. Timely care is important before secondary difficulties arise, such as social isolation or onset of severe digestive disorders.

Read more on prevent hair loss problem and remedies to reduce stress problem. And more about natural remedies for stress problem

Infertility Problem, Importance of Prevention Strategies for Sexually Transmitted Infections

29/05/2012 17:30

It should be clarified that not every episode of pelvic inflammatory disease produces chronic injuries (permanent or long term), but the risk exists. First, a woman with a gynecological problem is more likely to have recurrent infections and suffer pain in the lower abdomen constantly.

Second, suffering inflammation of the fallopian tubes (which carry eggs to the womb) and for this cause, suffer injuries that ultimately scarring. These tissues are unique in that narrow the inside of these ducts and generate different degrees of obstruction.

When the closure is very significant or total infertility occurs (the eggs do not reach the uterus), while being part favors the emergence of a medical emergency called ectopic (outside the womb): The small aperture allows the passage of sperm, which achieve fertilization of the egg and the embryo begins to grow without reaching its destination, because the scars you from the passage. Over time, the fallopian tube can rupture and cause pain, internal bleeding and death.

Statistics indicate that one in 200 women suffer ectopic pregnancy, but after suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease risk increases dramatically, as one in 20 it does occur. It is also estimated that infertility occurs in 15% of the women who have had this problem once gynecological, 30% in those who have experienced it twice, and 50% in those who have presented at three different times.

Acting in Time
It is critical that women visit a gynecologist to be revised soon as you think of this problem. It is recalled that the most notable landmarks for help are pain in the lower belly, especially when it comes after or during menstruation, as well as increased temperature and vaginal discharge.

The patient attended our clinic must answer a few questions to the specialist, required to prepare its history, plus it should undergo a physical exam in which you discover tenderness in the pelvic region (especially when pressure is exerted on uterus and ovaries) and cervix that bleeds easily.

Furthermore, correction of the diagnosis can be supported by some evidence:
* Blood tests. It becomes necessary for a white blood cell count (cells that fight microorganisms) and know the status of the defense system.
* Endocervical culture. Determines, by taking a sample of vaginal discharge, what kind of organism (chlamydia, gonorrhea or other) is responsible for the infection.
* Laparoscopy. Allows direct observation of the cervix through a special microscope.
* Ultrasound or CT of the pelvic area. These systems allow us to see inside the body and, in this case, help detect the severity of lesions in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries and nearby tissues.

Treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease, when in early stage, is based on antibiotics (may require up to three different) and monitoring for the evolution of the problem, while more severe cases where the infection has spread may require hospitalization of the patient to administer intravenous medications to normalize the situation.

Where there is no adequate response to antibiotics and tests show the existence of abscesses (collections of pus) in tubes, ovaries or some nearby tissue, it is necessary to resort to surgery to drain the bacteria.

Similarly, the sexual partner (or partners) of women should be treated to kill bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases, plus it is necessary to use condoms (rubbers) during the course of therapy.

Finally, we should stress the importance of prevention to avoid the risky consequences of this condition. The most important are practicing safe sex (using condoms), follow-up to the letter of the recommendations made after performing gynecological procedures (such as intrauterine device placement), periodic reviews by the physician and conducting an appropriate and timely treatment when there are sexually transmitted diseases.

Read more female Infertility Treatment and on remedies for erectile dysfunction. And more about how to increase sexual desire.


Diabetes Stroke a Metabolic Syndrome and an Epidemic of 21 Century

29/05/2012 17:25

Serious health problems such as hypertension, diabetes and stroke have common origin: the metabolic syndrome, increasingly common condition that is caused by hereditary factors, obesity and physical inactivity. Know your expressions and forewarned.

The scientific and technological advances of recent decades have completely changed our ability to meet needs, meet or communicate disease, but have also been accompanied by nothing flattering progress inadequate diet-related conditions, obesity and physical inactivity, a or otherwise result in premature death and hospitalization costs that families and health systems must solve.

Specifically, we speak of evil as high blood pressure (over approx 500 million people worldwide suffer from this problem), diabetes (excessive accumulation of blood glucose that occurs in at least 35 million patients in the world) and dyslipidemia or increased cholesterol, triglycerides, or both in the blood, which causes the formation of fatty plaques in arteries and veins that support the blockage or rupture of blood lines that feed the brain and heart, causing the death of part of their tissues ( infarction).

So it is not surprising that important medical research and statistics focus on information that helps identify risk factors and stop its progress at an early age.

Precisely this search has uncovered the existence of metabolic syndrome, a series of simultaneous or progressive disorders that are common trunk from which are derived from these terrible health problems and that, as further studies, allows not only improve treatment, but also carry out preventive actions.

At least 50% of world population suffers metabolic syndrome, a condition that affects veins and arteries, and if these millions of people not treated will develop diabetes or diseases of the circulatory system that significantly reduce their quality of life, which is alarming.

The endocrinologist noted that this large group ignores suffering metabolic syndrome because "there is no apparent or visible symptoms such as headache or stomach to call patient care, we speak of a silent process that lasts years but without exaggeration, is already a public health problem than is necessary to inform the public and medical systems efficiently, as the worst enemy we have, if no appropriate intervention is the time."

What is it?
Metabolic syndrome, also known as syndrome X or insulin dysfunction was recognized from the early decades of the twentieth century as a single disease but a set of health problems that may occur simultaneously or progressively in the individual obesity, gradual elevation of blood pressure, increased blood fat and body's inability to exploit sugars (glucose).

The emergence of these conditions is favored by certain risk factors:
* Family history of diabetes, high blood pressure or heart infarction (infarction) and brain (stroke).
* Excess body fat, especially belly.
* Food high in fat and simple sugars.
* Lack of exercise and physical activity (sedentary).
* Poor stress management.
* Smoking and drinking alcohol.

In this regard, "We know today that the first failure that occurs in the body, as the metabolic syndrome, is the inefficient use of insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps glucose to be absorbed and used as food by cells), and all the above factors have been identified as those that interfere with the effective use of this material and damage to blood vessels."

Fats and glucose are used by the body for energy, but their excess in the blood, fueled by poor diet and lack of physical activity, make the pancreas produce more insulin in an attempt to control their elevated levels. However, this causes the gland overproduction is depleted.

Read more on how to control cholesterol and blood sugar and remedies for stroke. Info about Men Health Products.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Fertility at Risk

29/05/2012 17:21

This is an infection of the female pelvic organs, i.e. uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, which can cause pain, trouble getting pregnant and other life-threatening conditions. The best way to cope is undoubtedly prevention.

The anatomical and functional characteristics of the female body are different from the male, simply because your body and sexual organs were designed by nature to enable the development of a new being inside. However, this quality that has captivated mankind for centuries is also the cause for which they are subject to special conditions and also sufficient reason for which should emphasize preventive measures.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an example of this, since it is the upper genital tract infection of women, i.e., uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes as well as adjacent areas, the peritoneum (membrane that lines the abdominal cavity) and the structures that make up the pelvic cellular tissue, such as parametrical (surrounding the womb), paracolpio (next to the vaginal tract), paracisto (next to the bladder) and paraproctio (involving the rectum).

The cause of this problem is the rise of bacteria that enter through the vagina and cervix (opening to the uterus or womb) to reach the tissues. These microorganisms, in most cases, are those that generate sexually transmitted diseases, so it is considered to have intercourse without a condom, especially when more than one partner, is the main risk factor for contracting this condition.

It should be noted that the consequences of pelvic inflammatory disease can be serious, go for recurrence of infection, which almost always causes pain in the affected region, to the inability to become pregnant or suffer other complications whose outcome can be fatal.

Causes and consequences
The symptoms that distinguish pelvic inflammatory disease, salpingitis and salpingoovaritis also called, are the presence of vaginal discharge with abnormal color or odor, pain in lower abdominal area (usually increases when you press with your fingers) and permanent or intermittent fever.

Less frequent are chills, irregular menstruation (may be uncomfortable or even absent), painful intercourse (at the end comes to be bleeding), fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, urinating often and discomfort and pain lower back. Furthermore, a significant percentage of cases where symptoms are practically absent and you get to think they are casual.

The international evidence obtained indicate that approximately 90% of cases of pelvic inflammatory disease due to the action of bacteria such as chlamydia (particularly risky, since it generates less obvious symptoms), gonorrhea, staph and strep, which are transmitted sexually.

The remaining percentage is divided into other factors that favor the entry of microorganisms:
* Implementation of the intrauterine device (IUD). The risk exists, but is reduced significantly when the woman who uses it is reviewed periodically and gets treatment for sexually transmitted infections before you start using this contraceptive method.
* Interventions in the marriages. Surgeries, endometrial biopsy (a procedure to find cancer cells within the matrix) and abortion (spontaneous or induced) can help advance microorganisms.
* Using douche. The liquid can drag bacteria into the uterus, plus you can hide the signs of infection and prevent women from seeking treatment.
* Weakened immune system. Poor diet, stress, mood unfavorable menstruation may decrease the body's defenses and, therefore, women are more prone to disease.
* Delayed diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections. The lack of an adequate and timely treatment for these problems that arise in the vagina and cervix facilitates the reproduction of bacteria and its expansion into inner regions.

Read more on how to enjoy sex life and natural treatment for vaginal infections. And more info about female infertility

Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, How your Heart work for Quality Life

29/05/2012 17:18

"Insulin is like a 'key' that unlocks the cell wall allowing the passage of nutrients, but there comes a time that leaves open the 'doors' that allow the passage of sugar inside cells and stays in the bloodstream. This phenomenon is known as insulin resistance or insulin resistance, and is the source of dysfunction syndrome. "

The insulin resistance is the beginning of a domino effect, since glucose is converted into fat (triglycerides or standby power) that travels in the blood, while the excess fat in the body produces elevated low-density lipoprotein, better known as "bad" cholesterol (LDL). The increase of these substances or dyslipidemia gives rise to clusters or cover material hardens veins and arteries (atherosclerosis).

Moreover, genetic factors, poor stress management and narrowing of blood lines make the heart work harder to pump blood, so the pressure on the walls of veins and arteries increases, giving rise to hypertension.

The passage of time and lack of preventive measures make this situation worse and, depending on each person's body, some of these problems will become more noticeable and condition the emergence of major diseases. Thus, when the exertion of depletes the pancreas produce insulin diabetes is diagnosed, while rupture of blood vessels in heart or brain, from the high rate of fat and favored by high blood pressure, may cause myocardial infarction and accident stroke. Similarly, when the most affected organ is the kidney, we present inability to filter blood (kidney failure) to some degree.

Diagnosis and treatment
Fortunately, such an unfavorable outlook for the future can be reversed when diagnosis and treatment. Thus, it is important to know the symptoms of metabolic syndrome and learn to recognize to prevent severe damage to the quality of life:
* Abdominal obesity. Is set when the measurement of the waist circumference is greater than 102 centimeters and 88 centimeters in men and women.
* High blood pressure, i.e., 130/85 or greater.
* High level of fasting glucose above 110 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl).
* Enhanced levels of triglycerides, i.e. above 150 mg / dl.
* Low levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL), we consider values below 40 mg / dl in men and 50 mg / dl in women.

The insulin resistance syndrome is diagnosed when you have three forms, but due to the difficulty of knowing some of them, the specialist advises everyone to take the waistline and, if they meet or exceed the indicated parameters, go to physician (internist, endocrinologist, nutritionist) to conduct specialized studies and initiate preventive treatment.

"We know that we have genetic predisposition to diabetes and metabolic syndrome, and that we can not change, but also found that, despite this, follow appropriate and timely action is enough to stop the progression of this problem that affects both our people. "

Therefore, the recommendation of the specialist is in compliance with specific points that have proven their effectiveness:
I. Aerobic exercise. Running, dancing, cycling or sports require intense set of lungs and heart, while increasing the working capacity of the circulatory system and regulate fat levels, glucose and blood pressure. For practical purposes, is estimated to be enough walking for 45 minutes daily.
II. Improving nutrition. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that only 30% or less of total food consumed is of animal origin, giving preference to fat-free meat, fish or poultry, and instead increase the number of grains, fruits and vegetables in the diet. Any doubts must be consulted a nutritionist to get best results.
III. Losing weight. The benefits derived from abdominal fat loss are notable not only in reducing harmful cholesterol in blood, but it is known that blood pressure improvement.
IV. Obeying doctor's orders. It is essential that if you have established the use of a drug administration to follow the letter, and also to eradicate harmful substances for the circulation and the functioning of insulin, in particular, alcohol and snuff.

The importance of addressing this problem is time on two grounds: "first, because diabetes, hypertension and stroke has a high social cost, to the extent that this attention absorbed 25% of the budget, above all, because the metabolic syndrome, even in its early stages, significantly increases the probability of death due to circulatory system problems."

Finally, "obesity and metabolic syndrome should be referred to as diseases that are incurable, but manageable. With down from 5% to 10% of usual body weight lowers blood pressure, improves fat profile and sugar, as insulin is increased and reduces the likelihood of blockage or rupture of blood vessels. Education, nutrition and exercise are the tools we have, so we have to implement them. "

Read more on How to prevent obesity and Burn body fat. And More about natural weight loss treatments


Hearing loss, Excess Fat and Sugar

29/05/2012 17:14

It is true that high glucose levels, cholesterol and triglycerides are responsible for diabetes, stroke and kidney damage, but it is also true that before you have any of these problems, first victim may be heard.

If we ask you to consider what the worst enemy of our ears is, it's likely that come to mind ideas like listening to loud music, car traffic, and aircraft sound and perhaps aging.

Almost no one would suspect that some caritas tacos, hamburgers, soft drinks, pastries and dairy products which act "Trojan horse", entering our body with its tasty and harmless appearance, and then neglect to affect leverage from within our organ of hearing.

In this sense, the specialist explains that "it is true that older people have some loss of this sense of old age, as the ear gets tired after 50 years, and that many young people suffer wear and tear of headphones, but I think that metabolic disorders are those that generate more problems".

Today we see many cases of children, youth, adults and elderly in the elevation of blood fats cause ontological problems such as noise or ringing in the ear (tinnitus) and decreased ability to distinguish sounds (hearing), and this is because we have been eating habits.

The attack of fats
Hearing is usually the first organ to reveal a condition in the circulatory system, being more frequent hyperlipidemia, i.e., high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides (the main type of fat that travels through bloodstream to provide energy or stored) or both.

So, many people who pursue the goal of eating healthy does the opposite "in juices or smoothies with 5 or 6 fruits, eating cocktail with whipped cream, raisins, yogurt, coconut or chocolate chips, then we will increase triglycerides . On the other hand, television, magazines or other media we see that appear new yoghurts, with almost miraculous powers, and bought for convenience and publicity, being that these products are made with low fat and high sugar quality. "

However, the expert specifies that "the internal auditory artery is one of the smaller blood stream organism is the size of a hair and even split into two portions to feed the ear responsible for hearing and keep the balance (vestibular). Having triglycerides and (or) very high cholesterol, this pathway is blocked, so that they present severe problems like heart attack (death of brain or heart tissue from lack of blood supply), we will find demonstrations auditory organ ".

Other villains in this story are high blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes (high blood sugar index). Millions of people suffer from these diseases, sometimes without knowing it, and suffer cytologist changes. "Many patients come for consultation by tinnitus or vertigo, and we detected is suffering from any of these problems and had not been diagnosed or had not good attention."

Also with concern that the level of hearing problems are also determined by elevation of uric acid (a compound that is generated by excessive intake of meat, organ meats, seafood and alcohol). "This situation was more common in men, but now we find very high levels of this compound in women, generating problems of joint pain or gout (acute episodes of rheumatic inflammation) because they are consuming barbecue, pork, pork and alcohol."

Better food, better hearing
Most patients who seek care for ear-level problems do they perceive tinnitus, ear fullness sensation, disturbance by loud noises and impaired ability to detect sounds clearly.

Upon arriving, the specialist explains, "are reviewed first by the otolaryngologist (ear problems, nose and throat) to rule out infection or earwax, then goes to cabinet otoneurology audiology or where from experience what do is measure the pressure and take blood samples for laboratory tests that would indicate the level of cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and uric acid. We also consider the possibility of detecting anemia (deficiency in red blood cells that carry oxygen), and that is another cause of hearing problems. "

We should not remove the symptoms but underlying cause, and this is to change eating habits. Send the patient to dietetics and then give you medicine to lower your triglycerides, cholesterol and uric acid, or to control high blood pressure and glucose. Once you are at optimum levels, we see that ear problems disappear or improve.

Every day, more products and junk food advertising, but by the time we live in such a hurry, is what we eat: potato chips, crackers or yogurt, and it affects us much, because they are manufactured with quality raw materials as low that it is sometimes more expensive the package contents.

Thus, the suggestion is to include more vegetables in the diet, less meat, fats and sweets, and even fruits are ingested in moderation. "Some people eat 6 mangos in one sitting, and the same happens with grapes, bananas or watermelons, which are those with more sugar and end up turning into triglycerides.

"I have good education is essential to eat, especially from young people, and accept that we eat evil instead of surprised to see the results of a blood test. Nobody forces us to eat 5 or 6 glasses of yogurt cappuccinos with its respective slice of cake mix or fatty foods and sweets, as to make orange juice and egg yolks, sherry, or eating tacos in the position of the corner with a refresher these are 'bombs' for our circulatory health. "

Read more on How to prevent Hearing Loss and Burn Extra body fat. And More about natural cellulite treatments


Women Sexual Desire, How Sexuality is Lived

17/05/2012 11:00

Part of being a woman
In our society it is common for motherhood reinforce the image of women, and even have an erection is a form of masculine identity, but despite its value in sexuality, it seems that the orgasm would have stripped their unquestionable importance to women.

Sexologist says that "it seems, in our communities a woman can skip to orgasm, but in reality the individual is very different. One patient reached a climax but no, I lived first with uncertainty, do not know what is happening, and pressed herself. This attitude makes the dysfunction is accentuated, which enjoys less of their relationships and married life is affected because the man realizes that she does not enjoy the same.“ This long-term, lends itself to many discussions, criticisms and misinterpretations.

Now, who has never had orgasms realize that their relationships are not entirely satisfactory and may last a long time partner cheating, pretending to not present a separation, but still feel strange.

Thus, women do not have to endure this adverse situation and should see a specialist. "It is true that a therapist can make progress on the emotional and, in case you have any physical problem is for the collaboration of the physician or endocrinologist, however, the best position to resolve this dysfunction is undoubtedly, sexologist or sex therapist, and with more specific tools and strategies.”

The treatment, depends on the source of the problem, so in the case of diabetes will require "measures for the adequate control of glucose, as drug delivery, and monitoring exercise diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and white meat, while low in fat, sugar, red meat and refined flour. " Similarly, when the problem is caused by side effects of any treatment may be useful to review the medication.

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The approach is not very complicated, but it takes time because it is breaking patterns learned in the past that are affecting the present, especially in events that can cause distress. To achieve this, you must first create a sexual health history, to rescue all the background that takes in this regard: how sexuality is lived, what elements have been incorporated from education, what kinds of relationships have been established, or what are the relevant facts and the weight of religion. Also, do not be ruled out that the man may be responsible in part due to problems like premature ejaculation.

Treatment may include various practices, which that focus on the woman to change the image of itself, and may even be group discussions in order to know that is not the only one with this dysfunction and to exchange experiences.

However, "the most important step is when she is determined to recognize your body and your feelings. The success of therapy depends on the commitment of women and can go beyond their sexuality, because it was found that the work we do not only get the release of orgasm, but also changes in attitude. The women with anorgasmia usually live very limited life is not expressed and with difficulty, in contrast, the woman becomes sexually fully committed and cooperative work, school or home, and is more open with people, happier ".

Finally, the time we lived can be seen as advantageous because we can discuss these issues with some opening, and that we must take advantage to get closer to our sexuality more frankly and healthy. For example, we might well call every part of our body by name, so that as the foot is the foot and hand is the hand, the penis is the penis and the vulva is the vulva. When we put nicknames like 'thingy', 'bird' or others, we take a value genitals and at the same time, we assume the moral burden traditionally imposed on them "and that, as we have seen, affects mental health and emotional human beings.

Read more on how to improve sex life and remedies to treats low sexual drive problem. And more info about how to build sexual stamina

Body Position and Tips for Using your Computer

17/05/2012 10:55

After I use the computer feels eyestrain, headaches and back pain or other discomfort? If yes, please note that this condition is very common in those who work long time with this tool, but it is also possible to avoid it.

Any student, modern secretary or clerk know that much of the work being done in terms of information processing and texts rely almost exclusively on the computer, an instrument that despite being relatively new is increasingly common today.

Many users fall into abuse or misuse, and this impacts negatively on the hands, eyes, neck and back, believing it to sit for hours there is an effort to muscles, joints and sense of sight, not realizing that the repetitive motion and poor posture slowly atrophied body functioning.

The proof of the error of our knowledge comes after spending several hours in front of the Mac or PC, just as we invade all kinds of maladies "unknown" or when our eyes look tired and irritable, unable to focus on distant objects properly.

It must be said that these problems are not usually very serious and usually resolve without medication use, but they are annoying and can interfere with our daily performance. Do not worry, that to avoid discomfort sufficient to carry out some changes in posture, change habits and condition the workplace properly, as you mentioned below.

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Good furniture
Poor posture represent approximately 75% of lesions generated by working with the computer, and largely back pain or neck and spine problems arising from injuries to ligaments, vertebrae and discs may be due to the use of inadequate furniture for office and school work.

However, note that although the general rule is there are ergonomic chairs and tables, that is, designed in harmony with human anatomy and special work computer, you must be careful in choosing not to purchase furniture that does not fit particular needs. Therefore, when choosing a table:
* Try to be strong and stable. Check that supports the weight of the equipment and any person that relies on any of its edges.
* Make sure you have enough space for all the material required work. The recommended minimum size of 120 x 90 centimeters.
* Consider that you must also have enough interior space (60 inches wide and 65 or 70 deep) to prevent bumping knees or legs are restricted in their movements.
* Also note that the furniture should be adjustable in height, preferably between 65 and 75 centimeters.
* The tables to which you can not change the height off the ground should be about 75 centimeters, and to compensate for this lack should use a chair that can adjust itself.
* Prefer light colored tables and mate to improve lighting

As for the chair, note that:
* Is stable. Instead of the conventional fours, choose chairs with five supports and wheel slip, which prevent involuntary displacement.
* To graduate its height. It should allow the feet to rest on the floor and in the case of short people or children; you should use those with footrests, which also prevents the understanding of circulation in the thighs.
* Expect adjustable backrest height, depth and inclination. Must be in the form of a "L" shape to suit the structure of the back.
* The armrests are not essential, but keep them up should not hinder your mobility.
* The seat base is flexible, yet firm, with sufficient distance between the edge of the seat and the knee joint, in order not to generate pressure in the area and facilitate the circulation.
* The height adjustment controls can be operated from the normal working position, without requiring too much effort to stimulate it.
* Upholstery is preferable to prevent slipping, rough, and helps to maintain proper posture. It is better to favor a sweat.

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Stroke Problem, Warning Signs and Risk Factors of Stroke

17/05/2012 10:52

Risk factors should pay close attention to the symptoms and seek immediate medical attention.

Some strokes are preceded by warning signs called transient ischemic attacks (TIA), which are characterized by temporary interruption of blood flow within the brain or its surrounding regions. Among the ATI or warning signs of stroke include the following:
* Difficulty speaking or understanding simple statements.
* Lack of balance, dizziness or loss of coordination.
* Severe headache, localized, unexplained, sudden onset.
* Numbness, weakness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body.
* Blurred vision or reduced in one or both eyes without cause alleged.

It is important to recognize these serious warning signs. While it may not cause pain and may disappear quickly, are clear signs that may occur soon after a stroke.

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Now to talk about the consequences of stroke can bring, we must understand that they depend on the extent of the affected brain region. If the lack of blood supply deteriorates to the left hemisphere of the brain will be diminished memory and processes of communication, listening and speaking-as well as the movements of the right side of the body, mainly arms and legs.

Prejudice to the right hemisphere of the brain can affect space capabilities and perception, as well as the movements of the left side. It is understood that large amplitude strokes (damaging a considerable portion of brain tissue) cause increased effects and increase its severity.

It is not uncommon to find people who have survived a stroke, but a high percentage of cases the problem has consequences for the rest of life, among which may be mentioned:
Depression. Decay mood, in the affective domain, is expressed profound sadness, existential emptiness, self-blame and loneliness, while causing the mental obfuscation, pessimism, insecurity and low self-esteem. Are characteristic of this emotional state of crying, anger or laughter, and go quickly and dissipate over time. Treatment requires collaboration of a psychologist or psychiatrist, who also may prescribe medications.

Hemiplegia. Presents a high percentage of paralysis on one side (opposite the hemisphere where the stroke occurred), including the face and mouth. Patients may have difficulty swallowing.

Communication problems. The term aphasia is used to describe a set of difficulties of communication, including speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Vision disorders. It is possible that patients can not focus my eyes or suffering from weakness of vision in one eye.

When stroke occurs is inpatient necessary to determine the cause, initiate treatment and prevent complications that may arise. Rehabilitation is started when the state is stabilized stroke survivor and found to have been arrested on neurological impairment; usually it is directed to the recovery of aspects such as movement, balance, perception of space and body sphincter control, language and methods of psychological and emotional adjustment.

As shown, rehabilitation programs after strokes require the coordinated efforts of many health professionals, and experience has led to approximately 80% of those who have suffered this problem have had a successful rehabilitation.

It is known that the frequency of cases of stroke increases dramatically with age, so Visit your general practitioner to undergo simple physical exam to determine the risk for this serious problem. Statistics dictate that after 35 years of age the risk doubles every decade, especially if it incurs as smoking and drinking habits or illnesses.

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