
Sexuality Pleasure of Life, Reasons behind Low Sexual Performance and Desire

10/05/2012 11:20

Sometimes the older people face social and cultural barriers to exercise their sexuality, and physical changes and diseases that affect their intimate encounters. However, these impediments have solutions.

Make it clear that there are many taboos and prejudices about the sexuality of older people based on social stereotypes that influence and beguile the old, the images of the tender grandma or grandpa is a big boy, common in many society, they end up believing they are asexual individuals.

These observations are biased or ill-founded (for example, is believed to decrease the frequency of intercourse they end up disappearing altogether), which go hand in hand with the idea that an elderly individual becomes useless. Older people become fearful and withdrawn, and hide behind diseases that in no way affect their sexual performance, just to avoid stress and nervousness that it generates insecurity.

There are certainly serious illnesses such as heart and lung, affecting the general health, but it is clear that many patients use these conditions only as an excuse to avoid your partner because it does not really affect the long-term sexual performance.

Thus, although in some individuals there is the feeling of failure and danger to relations after suffering a heart attack, for example, fortunately today's medical science has a number of resources (drugs, surgery) to deal with these evils, and is known that one or two months after suffering it can resume sexual activity safely, and very few reasons to indicate abstention.

No matter if it lasts
Broadly speaking, we can say that there are diseases during the mature stage and age that affect the body and therefore interfere with sexual response, such as diabetes, hypertension and metabolic disorders, hormonal and nervous system, but all can be treated by doctors, endocrinologists and geriatricians, who have the necessary resources to address and improve the lifestyle of their patients.

In this elderly also tend to be problems such as prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate), which is corrected by surgery. While it is true that after the operation is less abundant ejaculation because semen goes into the bladder and is eliminated with the urine, the truth is not harmful and pleasure in relationships is identical.

Interventions that do have consequences are related to prostate cancer. After them, the patient may experience impotence, but specialized medical help solve this problem relatively easily.

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In women, hysterectomy or removal of the uterus is the equivalent operation to the operation of the prostate and is performed when fibroids or benign tumors, cervical cancer or malignant tumor, and severe bleeding due to hormonal changes, among other reasons. After surgery, many patients beguile by misinformation and consider the uterus as part of their sexual life, which is false, because the female body serves only as a "container" housing a baby.

However, operations in that part of the body, as well as fallopian tubes or ovaries have no influence on orgasm, arousal, pleasure or sexual desire, and the effects that women might feel after these operations are strictly psychological. Therefore, we recommend talking with a gynecologist or sex therapist to remove doubts and fears about it.

Special mention should mastectomy surgery that involves removing all or part of a female breast. Although the agency has the same capacity for sexual response than ever, they can lose the desire or feel they are no longer attractive, so it is very helpful to talk with those who have gone through such intervention.

Other conditions that may have the men, although less frequent, are the Peyronie's disease, which deforms the organ and causes a bend to either side, can be very painful during erection and intercourse. Remedied by surgery and placement of prosthesis, and only rarely goes away by it.

Similarly, the infection balanitis or penile skin covering the glans occurs because the latter very long, because they're dirty and diabetes. Your treatment may vary, ranging from daily cleaning to surgery (circumcision), but if left untreated can cause pain in erection and penetration.

Finally, we say that the sexual response of women at this age is usually normal, but their relationships can become painful due to lack of lubrication. This is perhaps one of the most simple, as there are products (gel) specially created to overcome this drawback. Not irritating, are accessible and allow the couple enjoy sex, but it is worth the view of the gynecologist or geriatrician.

As can be seen, all these conditions are treated, whose only obstacle is the misconceptions held about the elderly. We know from surveys that seniors who wish to maintain an active sex life can do so with little or no limitation, if they have adequate support and guidance, and as in any relationship in every stage of life where communication, understanding and affection your partner is present. After all, accompany, sharing and listening are qualities any explicit sexual act.

Read more on how to improve sex life and remedies to treats low sexual drive problem. And more info about how to build sexual stamina

Abdominal Discomfort, What Causes Constipation and Treatment

10/05/2012 11:16

What is Constipation?
Constipation is not a disease as such but rather a symptom that, given their great frequency, raises a number of visits to family and in the worst cases of digestive specialist.

It is difficult to define constipation as it is a huge problem subject to individual variability or, which is, to a subjectivity that can be understood as a depositional rate normal. We understand how depositional rate, the frequency with which we come to the service to evacuate. In the general healthy population, the depositional rate ranging from 3 times a day and 3 times per week, making defecation painlessly and without great effort in most cases, in addition to the end the feeling of complete evacuation.

If we accept this definition, we can then define constipation as the passage of excessively dry stools, scanty or infrequent (less than 3 times per week).

Constipation can be casual, that is, that lasts a short time and is associated with certain diets or habits, or may be chronic if it persists for longer.

In turn, the constipation may be secondary, or have a cause at source (certain diseases cause chronic constipation, such as celiac disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus &) or else be idiopathic with no known cause directly to justify it, though in these cases is usually due to problems with bowel motility.

Constipation, also known as constipation is a problem more common than it seems in today's society, not having been able to quantify the true incidence of problem. However, it can be said to be more common in females and in old age, perhaps related to multi-factorial conditions.

What are its causes?
As we mentioned above, one must distinguish occasional constipation, certain diet product, food or habit, chronic constipation is to require a study by the medical practitioner. It is necessary to note that normally play in triggering multiple factors and is difficult to establish which one is more important.

Traditionally established pathological groups can produce constipation, such as:
Functional problems or bowel motility: Idiopathic Constipation, Hirschsprung's disease.
Specific diseases that present with constipation: Metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, uremia, porphyria.
Mechanical obstacles in the stool: tumors, rectal stenosis.
Or iatrogenic side effects of drugs
Abdominal plain film.
Dietary problems: Diet low in fiber
Other: Certain social habits, cultural, emotional: Physical inactivity, depression.

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In many cases, constipation is the only symptom, but is sometimes accompanied by secondary symptoms such as bloating, abdominal swelling, bloating, mild abdominal discomfort, headache, etc..

Constipation Treatment, Hygienic and dietary recommendations:
It is first necessary to treat constipation with a fiber supplement in the diet by eating fruits and vegetables, wheat bran etc., And re-educate the patient about his bowel habits, sedentary lifestyle and avoiding doing certain exercises and postural contraction-relaxation of the abdominal and pelvic muscles.

There are various groups of drugs known by the name of laxatives and that depending on the type of constipation, may prescribe. As for the type of drug to use, it must do so by the doctor, it is not uncommon to observe side effects in patients taking laxatives or voluntary indiscriminately (in some cases the cause of constipation).

Sometimes used enemas or other substances such as glycerin suppositories and, in general, should also be prescribed or recommended by your doctor to avoid adverse effects with overuse or abuse, although at first may seem harmless.

Constipation is a symptom usually benign, that is easily solved if detected early and if not due to specific disease it causes, which is the most common.

In this case will always be the doctor who decides to apply both tests to clarify the diagnosis and the adoption of therapeutic measures appropriate to each case. Only in very special cases constipation can give digestive complications such as fecal impaction may be, resulting in intestinal obstruction box.

Read more on how to relieve constipation and remedies for irritable bowel syndrome. And more about Colon Cleanser Remedies.

Orange Peel Prevention, The Most Effective Cellulite Treatment

10/05/2012 11:09

Although there are those who think otherwise, you may win the battle against unsightly cellulite or "orange peel" for it is necessary to use discipline, exercise, good nutrition and, in severe cases, novel techniques operating in the skin and under thereof.

Cellulite is not just a cosmetic problem, but a metabolic disease (related to the transformations undergone by the substances absorbed by the body) characterized by the alteration of adiposities (fat storing cells), which is swollen due to water accumulation, fat and toxins under the skin.

The regions most affected are often legs, buttocks, abdomen and arms, which are small growths that increase in size and become more rigid than normal, causing, in turn, circulatory and lymphatic (in those ducts and vessels action allows the immune system).

It also is very common ailment among women, even from adolescence due to the shape of body fat distribution, which is much more dispersed than in men, with a marked tendency to accumulate in the buttocks and thighs. When this happens, the epidermis becomes resemble the orange peel, with small depressions that usually feel rough and uneven texture to the touch, and can be seen with the naked eye.

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Unfortunately this is problem that worsens with age, especially if you lead a sedentary life (low physical activity) and unbalanced diets, crucial factors that trigger or complicate this condition, but there are other aspects that also play important role in formation of cellulite, which include:

Hormone. Production endocrine (hormone) than normal may trigger or worsen the condition. These alterations occur at certain times of life of women, such as pregnancy, puberty or menopause. Also, eating hormone-containing products, such as estrogens (female hormones) of birth control pills, often trigger or increase the problem.
• Inheritance. They have natural predisposition to this disease those whose ancestors suffered it, so in these cases should be monitored food since childhood.
• Lack of exercise. A sedentary lifestyle can be one of the causes that accentuate. Exercise, in addition to removing fat, is good way to stimulate the circulation and improve the utilization of fats. As a complement, it usually best to apply massage to drain lymph (colorless fluid containing defense cells called white blood cells) in the affected area.
• Stress. The tension in the body can alter the peripheral circulation with consequent loss of blood, thus preventing the disposal of waste materials.
• Food. Improper diet high in calories and leads to the development of obesity, leading to accumulation of fatty tissue that supports the worsening of the disease, but also very thin women may have this disease. In addition, there is direct relationship between salt intake and cellulite, as this seasoning helps the body retain fluid, so low-sodium diet with plenty of water intake helps eliminate cellulite nodules.
• Inappropriate dress. Use tight-fitting clothing lowers the blood stream, promoting fluid retention.

Cellulite Prevention
Cellulite is condition affecting indiscriminately to all kinds of women (young or middle-aged, thin or overweight), so that fight depends on each person.
This only requires discipline and will apply in two basic points:
• Watch your diet. To reduce disturbance, follow balanced diet. Avoid eating outside the stipulated times and limit alcohol, caffeine, and snuff. Also, drink at least eight glasses (2 liters) of water a day.
• Do not stay seated. Exercise, even in moderation, will help keep "in line" this problem. If you do not have time to undergo a fitness routine, walk 20 minutes three times a week.

Cellulite Treatment
Countless remedies to alleviate this problem have emerged over the years: massage, lotions and prevention itself, as we have seen, while the technology put into our hands the most advanced.

Read more on How to prevent cellulite and Burn body fat. And More about natural cellulite treatments

Anxiety during Pregnancy, How to Avoid Anxiety during Pregnancy

27/04/2012 11:56

All pregnant women have a question in their head, what if...? The nerves, uncertainty about the health baby's own, also related to the fear of having to use medicines that may harm, the wait before the results of the tests and inspections, the doubts about their own ability to cope with motherhood ... All this, together with 40 weeks of continuous physical changes can generate anxiety.

Furthermore, it can look beyond the Gestation itself, because it can occur earlier if the couple has had difficulty conceiving, or after, if the delivery has been traumatic or have been problems with breastfeeding.

In fact, According to Study of Mental Disorders, at least 1 in 5 pregnant women present in greater or lesser extent some kind of psychopathology, especially those related to depression or anxiety.

Moreover, elevated levels of anxiety during pregnancy might act as risk factors for subsequent development of other disorders such as postpartum depression and influence the future development of the behavior of the newborn.

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To avoid anxiety during pregnancy; it is important to follow a few simple tips:
* Walking often a quiet
* Sleep 8 hours, and if not achieved, take a nap an hour
* Avoid drinks with caffeine or high in protein
* Down the pace of work, inside and outside the home

Read more remedies to reduce stress problem and overcome stress and anxiety problem. And more about natural remedies for stress problem

Sexual Life, Do you know How to Improve Sex?

27/04/2012 11:53

To help you improve your sex the first thing to do is understand the general psychology of love and desire. It is also important better understand your own body.

All Sex experts said the importance of discovering a natural different gesture intimate. Because sex is primarily a language" and to speak it well, one must know the alphabet.

Trust yourself
Eroticized desire
Try to harmonize your rhythms
Explore the mental pleasure
Notice the "faults"

The primary sex organ in the head. What happens in the brain greatly influences your sexual pleasure and satisfaction. It is therefore desirable to act on their level, as well as the level of the sexual organs themselves.

Learn to trust your own beauty
Often a woman is afraid of not being pretty enough, beautiful enough to want that. In fact, when a man is in physical intimacy with a woman, naked, very close to him, for him she is always the most beautiful woman in the world.
The man leaves touch, touch for intimacy, which include defects. Show the couple their vulnerability is a nice gift, and being aware of it forget their complexes allows to enjoying these wonderful moments.

You have to feel beautiful to enjoy the love
For a woman who likes to do the love, it is essential that feel good, at ease with herself and her body. A preparation before making love is very stimulating for her. You can take a bath or shower and apply the body scented oil or cream to soften your skin and perfume with a delicious aroma.
Thus, a woman will feel much more seductive, although regarded as having little flaws...

Eroticized desire
Do not think that desire is never given once and for all. We must cultivate, feed and maintain. One of the best ways to achieve is communication.
“I am convinced that talking is the best aphrodisiac. “

Try to harmonize your rhythms
A man does not always know at the beginning of sexual life, the female orgasm takes time. In a woman who has never had an orgasm May require practice 45 minutes of caresses, and even more, to achieve increased arousal enough so that its couple reaches the orgasm. And this even at the height of clitoris.

As a general rule, a man reaches its maximum excitation more quickly, so it usually costs time understanding that women need more time ... This term tends to decrease with practice, as when using a mirror, as the orgasm reflex, it becomes more active, more alive. Hence the importance of learn to harmonize your bio-rhythms and not to precipitate the act. The longer you hold, the greater the pleasure...

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Explore the mental pleasure
A very exciting game is to have fun doing a little sexual fantasy, which does not involve any risk, just to laugh. For example, a couple may decide to go for a drink without the woman, or neither, do underwear. It will be a shared secret, which seeks intimacy and excitement resulting there from will continue to augur as night.

Notice Erection problems
For a man is not easy to have a decrease in erection. In terms of male identity, this situation is very difficult to accept, assimilate or live for a man. A woman, who understands, can instill confidence, extremely positive attitude to his companion. Sometimes, just say, "we have all the time in the world ... today or at another time ...”

In others, it's nice to know a woman fondling her partner in other parts of the body other than sex, such as the space around it: the testicles, thighs, without focusing solely on the penis.

Read more on how to improve sex life and remedies to treats low sexual drive problem. And more info about how to build sexual stamina

Orange Peel, Techniques to Combat Cellulite

27/04/2012 11:50

The cellulite is the nemesis of any woman! And it affects us all, like a plague. It is a fat that lies just beneath the skin and, therefore, creates small holes responsible for unattractive orange peel. The areas most affected are the legs and buttocks, but can also be located in the belly and arms. Is resistant to subsistence and appears in both fats as thin, which explains the interest of researchers in finding a solution. Let day.

Mechanical treatments
A massage is done with a machine that sucks a statement of skin and works with small movements with the aim of activating cellular exchanges, remove debris and cause the fat to flow again.
Pressotherapy is a lymphatic drainage performed with a machine that blows air down progressively and up a pair of boots that cover from the bottom to the top of the legs, with the aim of activating the lymphatic and venous circulation.

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The medical and surgical treatments
Mesotherapy is injected subcutaneously with products that act on the cellulites. It is recommended in cases of circulatory problems and diffuses cellulites. The Liposuction is performed under anesthesia and consists of aspirating the excess subcutaneous fat. It only works on certain types of cellulite and does not clear the orange peel effect.

Electrotherapy and Ultrasonic lipolysis
The methods of fashion using electrical currents, ultrasound or infrared. Are applied through electrodes which are placed in areas that are to be treated or by devices arranged on the skin. It is assumed that these systems have three effects: raising the temperature of the tissues in question, to increase the cellular permeability of adiposities and deliberating connective tissues present in the hypodermis.

The cellulite creams
Creams, more effective, draining assets used to combat fluid retention and unblock tissue, burn fat (caffeine) and smooth the skin. They are triple action: limit the swelling, reduce the number and size of adiposities, and improve skin appearance. The ideal is to apply giving a massage alternating movements of drainage and roll, always up and down.

And the simplest
-Feeding. To avoid the appearance of cellulite is not overweight or continue to take subsistence monotonous because they promote fat storage. It should also be removed from our menu prepared dishes, cheeses and sausages, salt, fat, cooked, fried foods, refined sugars slow (white bread) and casein containing foods (yogurt, cheese.) Match Products: lean meat, fish blue fruits and vegetables, dry and full rice.
-Sport. Studies show that practicing muscle activity helps fight the orange peel effect because it strengthens the deep and superficial muscles, and improves blood circulation.

Read more on How to prevent cellulite and Burn body fat. And More about natural cellulite treatments

All About Menstrual Cycle, The First Day of Bleeding

06/04/2012 11:38

It is very common words like "rule" and "period" or phrases like "I'm in my days" to refer to menstruation, from the Latin term menstru, meaning month, whose appearance marks the beginning of reproductive life in the woman.

The menstrual cycle begins with the first day of bleeding and ends just before the next rule; a process that lasts an average of 28 days is generated due to the expulsion of a mature unfertilized egg along with remains of the lining of the uterus (endometrial), and lasts between 3 and 7 days.

When presented for the first time in my life is called menarche, a period that is associated with breast development, pubic hair appearance and in the armpits and increased stature. In addition, certain substances are released from the hypothalamus (gland in the brain) and hormones called follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone, whose function is to induce varica activity, the latter increases the levels of estrogen (female sex characteristics provided) and is involved in the growth of the uterus and endometrium.

What happens in the body?
The menstrual cycle has three phases called preovulatory, ovulatory and postovulatory in each agency has several changes. Read on and discover what they are.

When we presented the first bleeding, early in the cycle as estrogen and progesterone (hormone that prepares the lining of the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg) are low, which causes the uterine lining and degenerate off.

During the first half of this phase, the body secretes follicle-stimulating hormone, which promotes the growth of a group of between 3 and 30 small organs called follicles, each containing an egg, and only one of them continues to evolve. By the end of this cycle increases the secretion of hormones.

In stage one of the ovulatory follicles grows and releases an egg that travels to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. However, upon arrival at postovulatory period forms a yellow body called luteum, which in the presence of pregnancy is responsible for maintaining embryo implantation in the uterine cavity. In the absence of pregnancy, this phase lasts for 14 days and after that time, there is the following "rule".

Prior to menstruation, most women experience premenstrual syndrome, which is a set of complaints that include breast pain, headache, muscle weakness, fluid retention, abdominal cramps, constipation or diarrhea, fatigue, nervousness and swollen belly . These discomforts usually disappear within hours after the onset of menstrual flow, or until the second day of bleeding.

Note that this cycle is not without presenting alterations, so it is advisable to be alert to any unusual change, for example, if menstruation is delayed beyond 40 days, if you have severe pain, or when the blood flow is very heavy or too low as it could be some important condition.

Absence of menstruation
When a woman is not pregnant or breastfeeding or menopause, disruption of the "rule" is considered pathological or sick, this anomaly is known as amenorrhea. It is related to malfunction of the pituitary gland, which prevents ovarian activity and, hence, the production of endometrial changes that give rise to bleeding. It may also be motivated by nervousness, anxiety, anorexia, bulimia, excessive use of exercise or obesity.

Intense pain
If you experience severe abdominal cramps that extend to waist, pelvis and legs is a condition called dysmenorrhea. May occur due to uterine contractions caused by menstruation, use of intrauterine device (device that is inserted into the vagina shallow to prevent pregnancy) or benign tumors in the uterus wall.

Furthermore, this anomaly is associated with a condition called endometriosis, which is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue in the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum).

Abundant or scarce
If menstrual bleeding is very heavy and lasts for more than seven days may be suffering from menorrhagia, a condition caused by hormonal changes, for example, increased estrogen production, which are responsible for inducing the growth of the endometrium. The only serious consequence that can bring such a condition would be anemia due to excessive blood loss.

When menstruation is scanty and lasts less than two days, it is hypo-menorrhea, which is only normal in premenopause. Generally, causes softening with consequent risk of irreversible fractures (osteoporosis).

Any alteration of the menstrual cycle warrants the visit to the gynecologist, for a problem that may seem minor can become a much bigger pain than the famous "rule".

Read more on natural treatment for vaginal infections and irregular menstrual remedies. And more info about how to treats low sexual drive.

Being Overweight, What it is

06/04/2012 11:36

What is it?
* Being overweight is equivalent to having more body fat than would be ideal for the proper functioning of the body.
* Although fats or lipids are required for energy, regulate body temperature and make hormones and enzymes, in excess increases the risk of diabetes (high concentration of glucose in the blood), cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure, joint problems and certain cancers.
* Basically, the reason for this problem is increased intake of calories (energy) than those required by the body as well as hereditary factors.
* Global increases in overweight are generally attributable to the modification of diet, with a tendency to consume lots of foods rich in fats and sugars.
* At the same time, there has been considerable decrease in physical activity due to the nature of many jobs, and offices, as well as changes in transportation and urbanization.

2) How is it diagnosed?
* The specialist (general practitioner, nutritionist) observes the usual manifestations such as increased weight and fat in the body, shortness of breath, fatigue and weakness (especially when physically active claimants) and presence of stretch marks, varicose veins and cellulite or "orange peel" in some people.
* It also takes record of the weight and body measurements of the patient, and compared these results with universal tables of weight and height.
* One of the most accepted to determine whether someone is overweight is the body mass index (BMI), mathematical formula to assess the weight of an adult in relation to your height.
* For BMI is necessary to divide the weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters (kg/m2). For example, a person weighing 90 kg and is 1.70 m tall, has a BMI of 26.47, as: 1.70 x 1.70 = 3.4, and 90 / 3.4 = 26.47.
* A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is normal, while the figures between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, although there may be exceptions (athletes, for example, because they have high rate, but this is due to muscle mass). Finally, a person with a BMI over 30 is obese.
* It is also useful to measure the waist circumference at the navel, with no pressure and then the individual deep breath and exhale. Figures greater than 80 cm in women and 94 cm for men means that there is high risk of heart disease, diabetes or stroke.
* Another useful indicator for the physician, increasingly recognized for its effectiveness, is the waist-hip ratio. Is obtained by dividing the waist circumference between the hip.
* It is common that occur parallel to overweight diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as psychological disorders such as anxiety, low self-esteem and depression, so the specialist can order lab tests or questions that delve into the mood of the patient.

How is it treated?
* They changed the eating habits of the patient, reducing the intake of calories from fat, sugar, refined flour and red meat, while increases of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish and lean meats (lean) as well as water.
* You need regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes moderate intensity, 3 to 4 days a week at least). To do this you can use exercises like walking, running, biking or skating, swimming and dancing.
* It is also ideal for the specialist help treat psychological or emotional problems resulting from this condition, or that the patient goes to support group or psychologist to address these aspects.

How is it prevented?
* It is advisable to avoid eating fast food, soft drinks, chips and candy.
* Be preferred intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats, rather than high-calorie food.
* We need to increase overall body mobility, which can be achieved by reducing car use and walking for short distances, climb stairs and take a walk to the pet.
* The regular practice of physical exercise is essential, as well as helping to maintain proper weight, strengthens the circulatory system, reduces anxiety, regulates blood pressure, lowers blood sugar and blood cholesterol, and reduces the risk of myocardial.
* Finally, it is very important that parents encourage their children good eating habits, and sports.

Read more on how to lose belly fat and natural weight loss supplements. For more info about Men Health Products.

Keys to a Healthy Sexual Life

27/03/2012 16:03

Sex lived fully intensify the bonds of the couple and produce physical and psychological improvements verified.

The truth is that the quality of sexual relationships in middle age may even be higher than the years of youth. Regardless of age, enjoy a good relationship with one's sexual partner is associated with better quality of life, more levels of optimism, lower risk of depression and other health problems. A fulfilling sex life has positive effects on all aspects of life.

Gold Tips
1. Learn to express your feelings. Communication is absolutely essential in intimate relationships. To do this, we must be open minded and listening to the other.

2. Fights stress. Psychological factors such as anxiety, the depression, Feelings of guilt, self- stress... - Can cause loss of desire and sexual dysfunction. Identifies problems and do your best to treat them.

3. Do not smoke. Studies confirm that smokers are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction (impotence) than nonsmokers, as well as coronary risks for both sexes.

4. Limit alcohol and drugs flees. This is not to ban alcohol or painkillers, a couple of glasses of wine a day with meals can even be heart-healthy, and a soothing time can break the cycle of pain, but know the difference between use and abuse.

5. See the effects of drugs you take. One in four cases of sexual dysfunction is related to the use of drugs, and some, such as treatments hypertension, Antidepressants or painkillers can have side effects of this type.

6. Find the hidden causes. A hormonal imbalance, characteristic of the age, or a possible disease, adequately treated by the doctor, can get fit. Stop suffering and go to the doctor, chances are you have a solution.

7. Retrieve the contact. Touching, physical contact in general ... are necessary, as a complement and alternative to intercourse, if it is not possible due to illness or surgery, also make relationships more intense.

The need for intimacy persists throughout life, because human beings always feel the need for affection, intimacy, ultimately, love.

Read more on how to improve sex life and remedies to treats low sexual drive problem. And more info about how to build sexual stamina

Woman has more Anxiety Disorders than Men

27/03/2012 15:50

The anxiety affects different depending on the sex, the age, and other factors, so it is very important to try to know not to be confused with other conditions or attitudes.

Women, for example, we must be especially alert to these problems because we are a major social risk groups. This is due largely to the number of women who are responsible for household chores and family issues while carrying out, a job.

In the case of adolescents, rebellious behavior or opposition, and the school failure and aggressiveness are confused with behaviors of this age, but actually in many cases hide a picture of anxiety.

In adults, however, usually anxiety generated by problems of job stress, adverse economic conditions or problems in the family. But the crisis has changed things and in the last Congress to address this issue noted that the unemployed tend to suffer from anxiety disorders, depression and stress group.

This has meant that health professionals are facing a new profile of patients with anxiety disorders and depression caused by unemployment, fear of job loss or the anguish of not make ends meet.

Health care
Family physicians have a key role in the detection and management of all mental and emotional disorders. Therefore it is very important to go to them and not hide those symptoms that we can consider an embarrassment.

In case you are prescribed (anxiolytics) drug used for the treatment of anxiety, remember you have to follow the guidelines that the doctor is going to dial. Sometimes people when we feel good, leave Medication that prescribed. This represents a big mistake since the consequences can be worse and you must start from scratch.

Read more on how to prevent anxiety disorders and more about irregular menstrual remedies and sexual health product.

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