
Keep Bones Healthy Calcium and Vitamin D in Menopause

04/07/2012 11:56

With the advent of menopause increased requirement for calcium to keep bones healthy.

It is usual to advise an extra intake of milk during the menopause, For example, containing much calcium, Necessary to avoid development of the osteoporosis but also for the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly.

But to absorb that calcium we need vitamin D. Without enough vitamin D, We can not produce the hormone calcitriol (known as the "active vitamin D") in sufficient quantities, causing insufficient absorption of calcium diet.

The vitamin D the body needs can be obtained in two ways: through the skin or by a diet adequate. The vitamin D occurs naturally in the body after exposure to sunlight. Take the sun for fifteen minutes is enough to produce and store all vitamin D is needed.

Experts recommend a daily intake of between 400 and 800 IU, vitamin D this also can be obtained from supplements or foods rich in vitamin D as egg yolks, fish and liver. But do not go, because an excess of this vitamin is very damaging.

Symptoms of Menopause - More on remedies for vaginal discharge and sexual health product.

Good Reasons to Drink More Green Tea

04/07/2012 11:56

It is no secret that tea is a beverage that brings more benefits to the body, but the varieties are many and each has its own. Green is a great partner for health and we give five good reasons to take it.

1. In special green tea, contains many antioxidants that help your body to combat aging and free radicals responsible for cancer. Three cups a day really make a difference.

2. It is great ally combat cholesterol high and protects our body Heart diseases.

3. He has become famous for being a good ally in the weight loss and although this property has been exaggerated the truth is that regular use can help speed metabolism slightly, which together with a feeding healthy and exercise could reflect positively on the scale.

4. Your good content of fluoride helps you keep your bones strong favor us when fight osteoporosis is

5. Green tea regularly may also cause your body absorb much less sugar, making a beverage is recommended for diabetics

What do you expect?, Takes the arrival of warmer days and soft drinks harmful substitutes infusions cold green tea, your body will thank you.

How to control cholesterol and blood sugar and remedies for diabetes. Info about Men Health Products - If you are diabetic then you can reduce your risk factors to monitor what you eat, staying active and keeping your weight down.

Antibiotics and Probiotics Together Prevent Diarrhea

04/07/2012 11:55

Anyone who requires antibiotics to treat infectious disease, often have diarrhea as a side reaction caused by these drugs. However, the poly- Probiotics can avoid it. Find out here how.

To treat bacterial infections, doctors turn to antibiotics, drugs used properly can save lives, because they eliminate the bacteria or prevent them from reproducing. However, like all drugs, cause side reactions, including diarrhea.

This disorder is diagnosed when loose, watery stools are for 4 to 10 days, on average, after initiation of drug treatment (either orally or by injection).

Balance at risk
Many antibiotics alter the balance or amount of the different types of bacteria in the intestine, allowing the multiplication of those that cause disease. The organism that most often causes problems is Clostridium difficult because it produces dangerous substances (toxins) that damage the lining of the intestine.

The key: antibiotics and probiotics
While most cases of diarrhea drug away by themselves within 10 to 12 days of discontinuing antibiotics, is now known that this disorder may even be avoided if the patient included in your regular diet probiotics.

Recent studies have revealed that those who consume them with drug treatment to 42% reduced risk of diarrhea compared with other patients who do not take them.

Included within the concept of functional foods (term that designates those who stand out for its nutritional qualities and provide additional health benefits), probiotics contain live microorganisms which promotes consumption intestinal flora and promoting the development of beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidus).

Currently, the most popular probiotic food is yogurt, because it is made from milk that has been fermented by lactic acid bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus and Acidophilus or Lactobacillus bulgaricus).

Other similar foods increasingly accepted among consumers in general are buttermilk and fermented milks, whose ingredients include probiotic bacteria, as we know, survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract, and are implanted in the colon or small intestine, allowing more individual's health.

Additional Benefits
In addition to becoming allies in the fight against diarrhea associated with antibiotic use, when incorporated probiotics in the usual menu of everyone, you can get additional benefits:

* Lactic acid bacteria promote the balance of intestinal flora, so improve transit and inflammation associated with excess gas.
* Stabilize and to control conditions that affect the gut As Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
* Improve digestion. Lactic acid bacteria promote the synthesis of vitamin K and Group B, and the absorption of nutrients.
* Stimulate the defenses. Allow to achieve proper balance in the intestinal flora, which increases resistance to infection.

Regardless of if you have a condition that requires antibiotic treatment by the doctor, regular consumption of probiotics is recommended to people who usually suffer from problems such as constipation or slow digestion, which often provokes inflammation of stomach and gas Also, it is favorable in the recovery of the bacterial flora after diarrhea.

Read more on how to relieve constipation and remedies to Prevent Diarrhea. And more about Colon Cleanser Remedies.

Antioxidants Cure for Diabetes How is Blood Sugar Level

25/06/2012 13:05

The patient with diabetes can maintain a stable blood sugar through diet and exercise, but this does not stop all the complications of diabetes disease. Ideally, consume vitamins and minerals that protect the cell damage that is exposed.

Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals
Diabetes is a disease that is characterized by the center has high sugar concentration in blood. This is because there are problems in the secretion or action of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows glucose to enter cells for energy.

The person with this condition is in a vulnerable position (may be damaged), because it needs more of certain vitamins and minerals that protect a phenomenon that occurs in every human being, but that its condition is particularly risky.

We speak of oxidation, we can explain it as follows: there is sugar in the blood can bind with molecules of oxygen (oxidize) and results in very different compounds, called free radicals.
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It is known that free radicals are an inevitable product in the processes that take place in the body, but its accumulation can lead to gradual cell damage. To counter this, the body uses other molecules, called antioxidants, to block the action of harmful substances.

Because your blood sugar is higher than in others, a person with diabetes suffers mostly the onslaught of free radicals, called oxidative stress. This is the reason why some complications that arise in the blood vessels, if not addressed properly, can cause damage to kidneys, heart, eye or nerve endings.

Therefore, although it is true that treatment for diabetes should include control of blood glucose levels (sometimes with the help of medication or insulin), diet low in sugars and fats, and the practice of routine exercise, is an ideal complement these measures with the consumption of minerals such as zinc, magnesium, chromium and selenium, plus vitamins A, B1, B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12, in order to achieve a true prevention of complications and improve quality of life.

In summary, we consider that there are four basis points for the treatment of diabetes and prevention of its consequences:
* Consumption of medicines to control blood sugar.
* Balanced diet, low fat and sugars.
* Exercise plan.
* Take a balanced formula of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals

Blood sugar remedies - Information on how to control cholesterol and natural treatment for diabetes.

Asthma Attacks, Tips for Controlling Asthma

25/06/2012 13:00

Smokers may be more susceptible to asthma attacks in response of immune system to the components of cigarette smoke. In fact, in the blood of these individuals may find increased concentrations of IgE antibodies (the body's defense mechanisms that fight pathogens), which specialists consider evidence of increased susceptibility to asthma episodes.

It is also considered that the irritant effect of smoke snuff on the lining of the bronchi favors the penetration of allergens facilitating access to the immune cells of deeper layers of the bronchial tissue.

Tips for Controlling Asthma
* Quit smoking and stay away from environments where cigarette smoke prevails.
* Avoid frequent contact with allergens Including dust mites in house dust, pollen of plants, flowers and trees and fungi, hair, dandruff and skin of animals (usually cats, dogs and birds).
* In your diet include more vegetables and fruits, especially high- Vitamins A and C, as oranges, lemons, guavas, tangerines, carrots, pineapple, tomato, among others, avoiding excess fats and animal products, and help make your immune system to function properly.

The poor diet makes it more prone to asthma attacks. Even, due to the bulimia suffered in turn could lead to disease gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD), which causes heartburn, chronic cough, shortness of breath (dyspnea), difficulty swallowing and chest pain and asthma could complicate their events.
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GERD exerts such effects on the body because stomach acid burn and irritate the throat in return to the esophagus. Therefore, experts say that nearly 60% of patients with asthma sufferer. Furthermore, the cigarette increases symptoms gastritis.
* Avoid sudden temperature changes. Coming out, bundle up to prevent entry of cold air into the airways, covering nose and mouth, especially in winter.
* Do not play or exercise outdoors when environmental conditions are adverse (Wind and cold) or pollution levels are high.
* Avoid exposure to irritants as solvents, paints, cleaning products, air fresheners, gasoline and fumes emitted by burning plastics.
* Always have hand on asthma rescue medicine.
* Always carry your medical data to contact in an emergency.
* Refrain from self-medication. - Information on How to prevent asthma attacks and Natural Cure for Asthma. And more about men health product.

Erectile Dysfunction Problem, How to get Longer Erection

12/06/2012 12:59

Erectile dysfunction is not the only problem that can affect erections as physiological, psychological, and certain drugs also come to influence.

Sometimes is very short and in others, simply does not occur, which can respond to various factors. "The reflex erection is not dependent on the will of men, as it is scientifically proven to be erotic stimuli occur and not sexual either, men can feel much sexual desire and excitement, but do not have the erectile response".

This problem may be associated with diabetes mellitus (increased blood sugar levels because the body's inability to take advantage), hypertension (high blood pressure), prostate disease, spinal cord injuries, smoking, low levels of testosterone and administration of some drugs.
"To this must be added an emotional causes, among which are anxiety, fear of performance, the memory of having ever failed and overuse".

Problem of blood supply
From the organizational point of view, the major cause of erection problems in vascular type, followed by neurogenic deficiency (related to damage nerve terminals). "Any disorder that causes damage to the nerves or impairs blood flow to the penis can cause dysfunction, whose incidence increases with age".

Therefore, it is important to an erection requires precise sequence of events, which includes nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column and area around the penis, and response of muscles, fibrous tissues, veins and arteries in around the corpora cavernosa (two columns of erectile tissue located in the upper limb, which fill with blood during erection).

Among the disorders that can damage these structures are kidney diseases, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis (damages the central nervous system, consisting of brain and spinal cord), dyslipidemia (abnormal blood fat concentration) and the aforementioned diabetes mellitus and hypertension, and other less common, such as sleep apnea and thyroid gland dysfunction (located in the neck) and adrenal glands (above the kidneys).

Smoking and alcohol
Another hidden enemy of erection is certainly snuff addiction, "as it encourages the development of vascular disorders because it narrows the diameter of the arteries and impairs the capacity of the valves of the penis to retain blood effectively".

The expert adds that nicotine can increase fat deposits and formation of microthrombi (tiny blood clots) inside the arteries and veins of the body, including persons responsible for carrying blood to the penis when erect. "It has been proven that smoking not only has consequences over the years, but, after smoking two cigarettes, contraction is generated in the pudendal arteries (located in the pelvis), which hinders the passage of blood the corpora cavernosa of the penis".

In this context, it also highlights the effects of alcohol, which impairs long-term nervous system, leading to cause permanent erectile dysfunction. "Also, many men have defective sperm and low sperm production".

Moreover, sometimes the problem stems from psychological disturbances, but these are the least (20 to 30% of cases). To understand how they affect sexuality, consider that it is closely related to the psyche and emotions of the person, so that any change will affect the erectile response. "Therefore, stress, fatigue, depression and marital conflict, family and work can hinder erection, even in young men".

They also cause damage situations often create tension in men, as having good performance close or make the woman reaches orgasm. Similarly, there are times when the conversation or comments uncomfortable during sex can cause loss of erection.

First of all, the important thing is that the affected male have an accurate diagnosis by a specialist (urologist) who will consider the factors mentioned above, will perform relevant physical examination and commissioning studies.


For many men, changes in lifestyle can help improve the quality of your erections, so the urologist recommends:

* Reduce or eliminate consumption of snuff and alcohol.
* Sleep 8 hours a day.
* Exercise and a balanced feed.
* Keep under control chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

"If a man suspects that erection problem could be associated with any medications you are taking, it is important to talk to your doctor, whether to reduce the dosage or change it for another. Also, when are the cause emotional disturbances, it is recommended practice relaxation exercises to channel stress, but it is not enough you'd better go with a mental health specialist".

Currently there are three types of drugs to treat erection problems, which are safe and effective, however, must be prescribed by the urologist and / or sex therapist.

Read more on remedies for erectile dysfunction and Nocturnal Emission Treatment. And more about how to increase sexual desire.

How to Identify Your Skin Type

12/06/2012 12:48

How often we find products that seem to be great to improve your complexion but hesitate to buy them for not having the certainty of the type of skin of our face, how to identify it?, Then we will tell!

The skin is the natural shelter that covers our body, and basically consists of three coats:
a) Epidermis. Superficial part, which consists of several layers: the deeper it produces melanin or skin pigment, while in the upper cells form to replace those that die when exposed to the environment, its thickness is 1 mm and regenerated each four weeks, approximately, its most important functions including maintaining adequate hydration level and protected from solar radiation, also along the entire epidermis are several holes, known as pores, through which leave sweat, sebum and hair, which meet maintenance and regulate the temperature.

b) Dermis. Its thickness is 4 mm, provides elasticity and smoothness to the skin, and she hosted numerous blood vessels that supply nutrients, oil and sweat glands and hair follicles (which produces hair).

c) Sub-cutis. Also known as subcutaneous tissue and is the deepest layer of the skin, which contains numerous fat-producing cells.
However, although the Sun is one of the harmful agents that can affect the smoothness of the face, cold temperatures, humidity and pollution also cause serious damage, especially if the skin is not protected properly.

That is why it is important to know what type of skin before taking any decision on cleaning the face, because it will depend to protect products, must be borne in mind that any evil taken decision can bring dire consequences.

Until a few decades only talked about three types of skin, but advances in Dermatology and Cosmetology has broadened the spectrum, the following being the best the cover:
I. Normal. Usually has smooth appearance and texture very smooth, thanks to the thin layer of fat on the surface that fails to give oily sheen. This well-hydrated and is characterized by tiny and closed pores, preventing the formation of blackheads and impurities have flaking or not the resulting sensation. The skin is less common in adults, because the body is continually changing.

II. Seca. This type of skin moisture and generally do not have their pores are thin, opaque appearance which results, is rough to the touch, easy peeling, and irritation, more prone to cracking and age rapidly. Avoid using soaps and products that increase dryness, while creams and moisturizers and cleansers should be nutritious.

III. Fat. It is characterized by reddish in certain areas and / or pale yellow in others and their appearance is thick, there is excessive brightness and pimples and blackheads (also in back, chest and arms) because the sebaceous glands produce excess fat , causing obstruction of the pores, usually open, and make-up slip. Without proper care, you can see lumps of fat and black spots, which consist of own secretion of the fat has been oxidized by contact with the outside.

This type of aging skin more slowly, because it is more resistant to external agents through the fat layer generated. Careful hygiene is essential, in addition to permanent hydration treatment.

IV. Mixed. The look is bright or fat in some regions, for example, the area called "T" (forehead, nose and chin), while the cheeks and around the eyes are a little dry, in this type of skin pores reach be dilated and there is a tendency to black spots. Note that in the rest of the body skin is usually normal.

V. Sensible. On its surface is very fine nerve fibers immediately move at the slightest stimulus (Sun, contamination and / or cosmetics), signal after being perceived by the brain is manifested as irritation, itching and rash. Tends to dry and even generate allergies, which requires special products called hypoallergenic, it is not uncommon to find people with this problem also have oily skin or dry.

Read more on how to prevent skin wrinkles and remedy to keep skin radiant. And more about skin beauty products

Infertility Blame Hormonal Contraceptives, Effects of Birth Control

12/06/2012 12:45

Women born with a finite number of eggs and number of infertile couples rises with increasing of age.

Contrary to what many people think, delaying the arrival of children through the use of hormonal contraceptives (AH) for a long period of time not related to infertility.

Before starting a family, many couples prefer to wait some time, either to strengthen their relationship, acquiring material possessions (house, car, business) or develop their careers, among other reasons.

Once you decide to become parents, women stop using hormonal contraceptives and any other protection, hoping that after having sex on a regular basis, sooner or later pregnancy occurs.

However, when may not achieve the desired design, is often blamed on the use of hormonal contraceptives, especially if they were administered for a long time. But is it really true?
There are several presentations of AH:
* Oral. Tablets consumed usually 21 days for 7 days off.
* Hormone injection. Presentations given monthly, bimonthly and quarterly deposit (to be releasing hormones to provide contraception longer).
* Hormonal topic. Weekly use patches and subdermal implants application lasting three years.
"All these contraceptives are intended to cause menstrual cycle without ovulation, so it inhibits the possibility of pregnancy".

Moreover, the effect produced by these drugs is transient, "Occurs only during use, in the case of hormonal oral or dermal disappear next month, in which injections should be verified presentation was chosen, for example, monthly, bimonthly or quarterly deposit, as it will extend its action on the body".

"There is a smaller group of patients it takes just over three months to recover ovulatory cycles and thus fertility. After this period, go into the same category of couples who never used hormonal contraceptives".

The couple does not use hormonal contraceptives and holds regular intercourse without achieving pregnancy, is synonymous with infertility.

While some people attribute to hormonal contraceptive use their failure to have children, this is not so, says the specialist:
"Definitely there are no studies to support this assertion serious, because as with any drug, it took years of research to confirm its efficacy and safety. Therefore, we should be suspicious of the reproductive capacity of the couple even before using them".

The other factors may reduce the possibility of procreation, among which are:
* Age (women over 35 years).
* Overweight.
* Obesity.
* Smoking.
* Alcoholism.
* Use of illegal drugs.
* Prolonged use of medications for chronic diseases.

By recommends this situation who have come to the reproductive specialist (Biology of Human Reproduction), because not every gynecologist (doctor specializing in care for women) are, to address this disorder as objectively and as quickly as possible, thus obtaining the best alternative to correct the problem, since the factor age (time) is very important in the reproductive outcome of the couple.

Read more on irregular menstrual remedies and female infertility treatment. And more info about how to treats low sexual drive.

Vaginal Bleeding after Having Sex, Multiple Causes

06/06/2012 15:28

Vaginal bleeding after having sex is more common than you think, but that does not mean its normal: in some cases has serious complications for the woman and even becomes the first sign of cervical cancer.

Many women experience vaginal bleeding after intercourse end, a problem that has nothing to do with menstruation and sometimes is associated with the friction generated during penetration (intercourse).

However, you should play down "because this symptom can be caused by different conditions such as cervical dysplasia (precancerous lesion in the cervix), fibroids (benign tumors), endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus), sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal infections".

Also, postcoital bleeding may be due to reduced estrogen levels during perimenopause, which causes the lining of the vagina becomes thin, tender and swollen.

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Various Causes
According to the specialist, the main causes of bleeding after intercourse are:

a) Dysplasia cervical. Appearance of abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix, but not cancer, is considered precancerous. While it can occur at any age, it most often in women aged 25 to 35 years and most cases are linked to infection with human papillomavirus (HPV).

"The risk of disease increases with multiple sexual partners, erotic life begin before age 18, childbirth before age 16 and have suffered sexual transmitted infections (STIs)".

b) Cervical polyps. Abnormal cell proliferation in the form of finger on the bottom of the uterus (which connects with the vagina) red or violet, usually is benign. May occur in response to increased estrogen levels, chronic inflammation and obstruction of blood vessels in the cervix.

According to the gynecologist, "become common in women over 20 who have had children, and very rare in those who have not had the first menstruation."

c) Endometritis. It is the inflammation or irritation of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) caused by vaginal infections, occurring more frequently after spontaneous abortion or prolonged labor.

d) Uterine polyps. Mostly benign tumors that grow in the endometrial, are usually asymptomatic, but also occur through excessive menstrual bleeding and bleeding after sex. Sometimes cause problems of fertility or spontaneous abortions.

e) Fibroids. Also known as myomas, leiomyomas, leiomyomata, and fibroids are benign tumors that grow within the muscle tissue of the uterus, it is estimated that 20 to 50% of women of childbearing age develop them.

"Although many patients have no symptoms when they appear may include period’s very heavy and prolonged, pain behind the legs and during intercourse, pelvic pressure, bladder and intestines, and bloating".

f) Chlamydia. Sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. "An estimated 30% of infected women manifest their symptoms, which include a burning sensation when urinating, painful intercourse, bleeding during intercourse, rectal pain, liver inflammation and vaginal discharge".

g) Trichomoniasis. STIproduced by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis, that causes discomfort during intercourse, itching inside thighs, vaginal discharge (yellowish, greenish or frothy), vaginal itching, swelling of the vulva and labia, and foul vaginal odor.

h) Gonorrhea. Is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeaeand shrinks by sexual route. Symptoms usually appear 2 to 5 days after infection, however, can occur in men after a month.

"The signs of the disease in women may be mild or nonspecific, so it can be confused with another type of infection. These include vaginal discharge, burning during urination, increased urination, sore throat and lower abdomen, painful intercourse, bleeding during intercourse, and fever ".

i) Vaginitis. Inflammation of the vagina that occurs in women of any age due to infection by bacteria and fungi, sexually transmitted diseases, use of foams, soaps or perfumes, allergic reaction and poor hygiene.

As we can see, the post-coital vaginal bleeding requires immediate attention; this disease becomes chronic and affects quality of life of women.

Read more on natural treatment for vaginal infections and remedies for erectile dysfunction. And more about how to increase sexual desire.

Life after Stroke, Take Care of Fat Levels

06/06/2012 15:16

Lose weight, exercise, improve nutrition and eliminate the use of snuff habit changes are needed in those who have suffered a heart attack. May represent a radical shift, but because they can lead normal lives.

Cardiovascular disease, especially myocardial infarction (death of part of the heart muscle from lack of blood), are the highest among the causes of death in many countries.

Despite its severity, life expectancy after an experience of this type is promising, provided that the patient understands he has to make major changes in your lifestyle. Otherwise, despite the advancement of medicine, a second cardiac event may be just around the corner.

The risk factors of heart attack, as obesity, diabetes (excessive blood sugar levels in the body's inability to take advantage), hypertension (high blood pressure) and dyslipidemia (elevated in figures of blood fat) have become very common due to the widespread adoption of dietary habits and low physical activity.

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Change for better living

Infarction 20 years ago was the third leading cause of deaths in USA, but currently occupies the first position. Expectations that this change is very low, the high rates of obesity and diabetes that we have.

The age at which heart attacks occur, has declined in recent years and now there are people in cardiac events 40, 30 and even 20 years.

However, and although it seems like everything is against a person who has suffered a cardiovascular event can be recovered and have good life expectancy, though, it depends how was the patient's general health before infarction. Thus, the prospects are very different from someone with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking also, to an individual who practiced exercise and only failed to take care of your fat levels.

After a heart attack should occur a radical change in behavior. In principle, the patient needs to lose weight and exercise daily (and forever) for at least 30 minutes just to walk, but can do other physical activities under medical supervision.

Furthermore, it should reduce salt intake and make changes in your diet, so you prefer the intake of fruit and vegetables on food of animal origin.

Of course, you must remain very attentive to their lipid levels (cholesterol, triglycerides and high density lipoprotein), whose lack of control is harmful. Similarly, decrease alcohol consumption and smoking leave completely.

Constant review
Statistics show that men can suffer a heart attack over a lifetime, while women are more at risk after the last menstrual period (menopause) and fully enter the climacteric, simply because they disappear from body hormones served as a shield against such injuries.

Anyway, the expert notes that it is preferable that both male and female, to obtain a lipid profile every six months from 40 years of age, to know the status of your circulatory health.

If you had a stroke, the patient should see a specialist every month for the first quarter, and then when in the control, you can go to see three or four times a year. Also, you must take medications for life, which reduces cholesterol. May also require other drugs, if they have hypertension or diabetes.

Read more on how to control cholesterol and blood sugar and remedies for stroke. Info about Men Health Products.

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